


Brand :Alpha Pharma
Availability :In Stock
Package: 40 mcg/tab. (50 tab.)
Substance: clenbuterol hydrochloride
  • A$40.73

Packing: 100 tab.
The concentration of the active substance: 40 mcg / tab.
Manufacturer: SC Balkan Pharmaceuticals SRL (Moldova).
Active substance: clenbuterol hydrochloride (clenbuterol hydrochloride).
Clenbuterol (100tab) - preparation of Balkan Pharmaceuticals, used in the practice of sports as a fat burner. It promotes fat loss, prevents the deposition of new fats and exhibit anti-catabolic properties, so regularly used in the drying course. In addition, for use in the diet of these pills may be recommended, not only men but also women, Clenbuterol is popular in Australia as an agent for athletes.

Clenbuterol (100 tablets): Description
The active drug substance to a close he called clenbuterol hydrochloride is a drug originally. His agents in medicine are used extensively in the treatment of asthma and related diseases (safe and with little or no adjustment of dose administered to patients of different sex and age), Clenbuterol is popular in Australia as an agent for athletes.
What is the effect of Clenbuterol (pack of 100 tablets) has on the athlete? The drug acts as a selective b2-adrenostimulyatorov (ОІ2-adrenergic receptors ons). After application (oral) under its influence comes increased lipolysis and there is better utilization of fat as an energy source. It is also known that clenbuterol can enhance the release of adrenaline and noradrenaline, which are in fact the best natural fat burners (stimulate weight loss).
An important detail, Clenbuterol is popular in Australia as an agent for athletes: Clenbuterol (40mg / tab, 100tab) from the Balkans, as well as equivalents from other manufacturers, improves metabolic rate up to 20-30% of the original. In parallel with the receiving ketotifen effect is only amplified (about the properties and purpose of ketotifen details will be discussed in the section "how to make").
No less valuable for athletes considered to be anti-catabolic, and prevents the accumulation of new fat pills effects. The first (presumably) is ensured by blocking Ca2 + dependent and ubiquitin-proteasome proteolysis. Second - by suppressing the activity of lipoprotein lipase, Clenbuterol is popular in Australia as an agent for athletes.
Thomas Mackinnon 04/07/2022

I usually use Astraleanbefore I hit the gym. It helps give me that extra energy to get through my sessions without any problems. I feel much better while using this and my energy has been increasing too. Over the last few weeks, I've noticed very nice Improvement in my muscles plus I can already see that my waist is starting to slim down quite a bit.. It's not happening at such a rapid rate which is actually much better for me than losing that extra weight all at once. The extra endurance really helps to carry me through the day. I wish I had this kinda energy all the time, but the sweats can get annoying. Quick tip: Don't wear any clothing to the gym that you don't want to look like a wet flannel after haha..

Timothy Mario 03/05/2022

Astralean is great for when you are entering a cut. I have used it many times before. It isn't one of those rapid weight loss drugs but if you give it time to work, it will do what it is meant to. I have tried other products in the past but I find that I get maximum efficiency from Clen. I am trying to lose a good 15kgs and this is one of the only products I know that are able to do that for me. Alpha has some fire Clen and I will always go back to that brand. I know it is slightly pricier than others out there but when you know you like something and you knew it works then it is a good idea to stick with what you know. Never feel the need to bounce between different brands because I see mad results with this!

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