Kamagra Gold 100

Kamagra Gold 100

Kamagra Gold 100

Brand :Ajanta Pharma
Availability :In Stock
Package: 100 mg/tab. (4 tab.)
Substance: sildenafil citrate
  • A$21.25

Kamagra Gold 100 by Ajanta Pharma

Ajanta Pharma developed the drug Kamagra Gold 100 to treat impotence and erectile dysfunction in males. Sildenafil Citrate, the active component of Viagra, is also present in this drug.

When sexual excitation is present, the drug Sildenafil is responsible for significantly increasing penile erections.

The main advantages of Sildenafil Citrate

Men can overcome a variety of erectile dysfunction problems with the aid of Sildenafil when the directions for use are followed.

The drug's strong effectiveness is a result of its capacity to improve blood flow quality and reduce vein tangling. Together, these ensure that nothing prevents the penis from hardening naturally.

Methods for taking Sildenafil Citrate

The drug is taken around 30 minutes prior to the planned sexual activity, and the effects persist for 4-6 hours.

Keep in mind that the drug's effects only occur when there is sexual excitement.

Never take more than 1 tablet in a 24-hour period. Avoid chewing or crushing the pills because doing so could decrease their effectiveness. Instead, just drink them whole and wash down with water.

Side effects of Sildenafil Citrate

The drug's negative effects are minor and should subside rapidly.

These negative effects include:

  • Dizziness.
  • Rashes.
  • Headaches.
  • Upset stomach.
  • Blocked/runny nose.
  • Back ache.
  • Nausea.
  • Hot flushes.

There could be more serious adverse effects if there is an overdose or if there are allergic responses to the drug's ingredients.

Owen Fehon 27/07/2022

I workout but I don't use anything that causes ED. I just really get a bit carried away with the brewskies on the weekends. Usually, when I bring a girl home after too many find ant hard to get it up. So in the taxi on the way home, I usually just take one of these so by the time I'm home and showered I am more than ready to go for the rest of the night. They are usually very impressed with my stamina. Aussie warrior time!

Alex Baines 25/01/2022

Was training with my old marine buddy and he told me about these for extra muscle pumps in the gym. Hes big on hes use of gear so I tried these for this purpose. I took 100mg before going to the gym and when I was sat on the press machine watching the old gals doing some cardio, I had a hard somthing, but not muscles!! I was wondering if he tried to screw with me, or if these just hit me harder than him. When I asked him, he forgot to tell me to micro-dose!! I think it was on pupose as I always wind him up, but a lesson to all, do not take 100mg then go train lol. If I dodnt make a swift exit, i think I would have made a few of the grils blush. As you can imagine, I havent tried that again even wioth smaller doses. I would rather stick with the No2 boosters. But tried them over a weekend away with the mrs and they worked a treat! For this purpose alone, they are 10 10 but for use in the gym, I would avoid this like the plauge mate! haha

Marcus Swan 24/01/2022

When you're in for a long night and you know you have to perform then these things are really great because they really give you that extra blood flow that's necessary for you to get it up in the bedroom for hours on end! I don't use them often, but when I do, I know the night is going to be a fun one!

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