Magnum Drostan-P 100

Magnum Drostan-P 100

Magnum Drostan-P 100

Brand :Magnum Pharmaceuticals
Availability :In Stock
Package: 100 mg/amp. (5 amp.)
Substance: drostanolone propionate
  • A$58.43

Drostan-P 100 by Magnum Pharmaceuticals

Masteron (Drostanolone Propionate) is a powerful steroid with expressed anabolic and androgenic effects. It also inhibits aromatase. The special formula protects the components from transforming into oestrogen. This drug is the mildest and safest anabolic for exercising.

The drug allows the user to get rid of excessive fat and deposits. It allows them to increase endurance and get more defined muscles.

Drostan-P by Magnum is based on drostanolone with a propionate ester giving it a 3-day half-life.

Effects of Masteron

Masteron is a quick-acting drug. The results are noticeable at the first week of the cycle. It has the following properties:

  • It significantly increases strength and endurance
  • It increases the period of fat burning
  • It improves the muscles and their performance
  • It accelerates the anabolic reaction
  • It accelerates recovery after physical load
  • It dries the muscles
  • It reduces the risk of injury during exercises
  • It reduces the oestradiol concentration and inhibits the aromatization processes

How to take Masteron 

The dosage and cycle duration should be determined individually. They depend on the overall physical fitness level of the athlete and their experience with anabolic steroids. The maximum weekly dose is 500mg. This reduces the risk of side effects. The volume should be divided into 3 injections. The cycle can last up to 1.5 months.

Combined cycles with Masteron

Masteron is perfectly suitable for combined cycles. Use with Testosterone Propionate allows the user to reach a beneficial effect and gaining lean muscle mass. It can be combined with Turinabol in a standard dosage for cutting purposes.

Masteron side effects

Possible adverse effects of Masteron include:

  • Blackheads
  • Hair loss
  • Hypertrophy
  • Prostate gland disorder

In most cases side effects occur due to overdose or exceeding the cycle. 

Masteron reviews

Positive feedback from athletes proves that the drug is efficient for fat burning. It allows gaining good muscle mass so as increasing strength and endurance. You can buy high-quality, original Drostanolone Propionate from Magnum Pharmaceuticals here.

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