Stanobol 10 mg (100 pills)

Stanobol 10 mg (100 pills)

Stanobol 10 mg (100 pills)

Brand :Phoenix Remedies
Availability :In Stock
Package: 100 pills 10 mg
Substance: Stanozolol oral (Winstrol)
  • A$53.12

Xavier Venning 01/07/2022

Using Stanol lately so that I can recover faster from my workouts. Obviously, I use it for the other effects it gives but mainly, I needed it for my recovery. Recovery time increases with age and I hate feeling older so I resorted to Winstrol. I able to work out for almost 2 hours before I call it quits and decide to go home. I don't have a wife or kids so I have the time to stay late and gym after work. Not sure how else to burn that extra energy it gives me off. After a nice long day, my sleep has improved from being more active and I am seeing my body become leaner over time. I have also dropped a few kgs in the process. Cheers for always for the quality products.

Dean Simonov 16/06/2022

50mg per day of winstrol gives me some amazing results, my performance levels just shoot up, I love how I feel when using this stuff, can't imagine a cycle without it now

John Hillary 17/04/2022

This phoenix winny actually works great. It gave me awesome strength. Solid gains without any water retention. I was feeling pumped up with loads of energy not only during workouts but all day. 40mg daily for 6 weeks was a perfect cycle for me. I never go over this dose or length cause I don't want to ruin my lipids.

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