Ultima-Deca 250 mg/ml (10 ml vial)

Ultima-Deca 250 mg/ml (10 ml vial)

Ultima-Deca 250 mg/ml (10 ml vial)

Brand :Ultima Pharmaceuticals
Availability :In Stock
Package: 10 ml vial 250 mg/ml
Substance: Nandrolone decanoate (Deca)
  • A$88.54

Harry Case 22/04/2022

I had stopped using gear during the pandemic since we couldn't go to the gym and I thought whats the point. Didn't do a pct after my last cycle and lost all my muscle and strength.. But I started again this year since it seems things have calmed down on the covid front now. Working out 6 days a week again and running 500mg Test E with 250mg of this Deca. Its been working great since i've been off it for a while. Starting to see muscle come back pretty quick and my lifts have started to become a lot easier again. This stack was a great combo for anyone else who is getting back into gear again.

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